Thursday, March 29, 2007

Outhouse Diaries...The Poop Scoop

Thursday, March 29, 2007
At 10:45 AM we got a phone call and that was a great surprise. He was just chillin and it sounds like they are going to be moving soon. He said something about hoping to hear something about midnight. I’m not sure if that meant they would start the move then or not. He and a buddy have been working on a project that Chris is super excited about. They are writing a book about all the jokes and stories that you read on the porta potties. He said it is going to be great. Joey has sent him several suggestions for the title..."The Toilet Papers", "The Outhouse Dairies", "The Poop Scoop", etc... Who knows, maybe they can get Charmin to sponsor the book They plan on continuing the book while in Iraq as well. He said it was very interesting because there are comments from soldiers going into Iraq as well as those that have just left Iraq. Obviously he doesn't know what kind of comments and jokes to expect when he arrives at the FOB but he's quite sure they will be worth repeating. He is really pumped about writing this book. He said you would have to be there to understand's a military thing! I am so glad he is upbeat...even if he is excited about spending time in the porta potty to write his book.

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