Saturday, December 8, 2007

There's No Place Like Home

I truly believe that there's no place like home. After spending the last few days in the hospital it was so nice to come home to the comforts of home. I had an absolutely incredible room, well, it was actually a suite. However, home is 100 times better.

I can only imagine how our troops must be feeling about now. I was only away from the luxuries of home for a few days and I was going crazy. I know they are missing the luxury of getting up and going to the refrigerator and grabbing a soda or getting a plate full of leftovers and sitting down in front of their favorite TV show.

I admire our troops with all my heart. They sacrifice on a daily basis all the simple, everyday things that we so often take for granted.

I am back at home and doing well. I am extremely sore and very slow moving but I am confident and determined that each day will get better. I have just a little under two weeks before my next surgery and then I should be good as new! Thanks to all of you for your prayers, thoughts and emails during this trying time. Please continue to keep in touch as I have seven more weeks of recuperating. Thanks for being my friends!

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