Sunday, November 4, 2007

Veterans Day Salute

Evan and Nick Cabico display Veterans Day project

This morning, Monica, my sister-in-law called and said she needed some pictures of Chris for a school project. I wasn't sure what she and the boys were up to but I happily sent a few pictues of Chris in Iraq. Come to find out my nephews were making a flag of a veteran for the upcoming Veterans Day celebration at school and they picked Chris.

I'm not sure others realize how much gestues such as this are appreciated. When I received the picture of the boys holding the pictures of Chris, I wanted to cry. Right now my world revolves around Chris being deployed. The constant worry and concern for his safety are 24/7. The boys making these flags for Chris made my day.

I know Chris is very appreciative of all the prayers, letters, packages, emails and kindness that he has received while in Iraq. Thanks to all of you that have helped Chris stay upbeat and positive. We miss Chris very much and are counting the days until R&R.

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