Sunday, May 13, 2007

Happy Mother's Day

When You Were Little

When you were a little boy I always held your hand.
I held your hand to help your little legs up the porch steps.
To protect and shield you when we crossed the street.
I’d grab on to your hand in a crowd so I wouldn’t lose you.
I’d grab your hand to lift you when you fell, or going through the haunted house
or on a scary ride in the amusement park.
I held your hand to help you on to the bus that first day of school
and when you came home
I reached out my hand and helped you off.
I held your hand when we would take walks in the park.
Even through out your teenage years (although not cool),
when you were down I’d hold your hand
to assure you everything will be alright.
Now you are a soldier, so far away,
and I can’t hold your hand,
I must let go, but always know son that when I let go, God grabs on.
He will hold your hand when I cannot.
Author Unknown

Today is a day to honor our Mother’s as well as a day for those of us who are mothers, to be honored by our children. Having Chris in Iraq makes today a little tough but I am so thankful that I got a phone call the other morning! God entrusted me with raising two wonderful children. As a Mom, it has been my job to see that they are provided for, loved, protected and raised according to God. I am very proud of Chris and Christen...they turned out to be great kids. or I should say, young adults. A Mom is a always a Mom and her job is never done. When the kids were little it was easy to take away the pain, wipe away the tears and make the boogie man go away. As time goes on, and the kids get older, the job gets a little tougher. To help them through life's disappointments and challenges is a little harder because life is a little more complicated. But, no matter how old they are, it is still our job as a Mom to try to make it all matter what! This is the hardest part of Chris being in Iraq. There are so many times that I would like to wrap my arms around him and tell him it's going to be okay. Our hands are tied and we can only continue to encourage him, love him, pray for him and tell him how proud we are of him and continue to send him things to keep his morale up. I ask God everyday to wrap his arms around Chris and keep him safe and to help him feel his presence so he knows he's not alone. This Mother's Day I am so thankful that God blessed me with two wonderful children and I pray that I have been the mom God intended me to be!

I Kissed My Son Goodbye

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