Casey has been with us since August 1987 and is one of the family. In December he was diagnosed as having a cognitive disorder, very similiar to Alzheimers in humans. At that time he had very limited vision and hearing. The vet gave us some special food that was very high in anti oxidants that would help his brain. He did pretty good for a while but over the last few weeks he started really having problems at night. He has anxiety attacks at night and gets very disoriented. These attacks sometimes last up to two hours. Lastnight he had a very bad attack and was really out of it. I knew I had to call the vet because it was probably time to put him down. Christen, Joey and I talked about it and realized that we had to face the fact that Casey was not enjoying life when he was having these terrible anxiety attacks. It was tough because Casey is Chris' best friend and buddy and he wasn't around to be a part of the discussion. I FINALLY got up the courage to call the vet and we took him in. The vet examined Casey and said he was in excellent shape but his cognitive disorder had gotten worse and his vision was pretty much gone. He suggested that we try one last thing before we put him down. He prescribed him 1/4 tablet of valium at bedtime, and said this should help him stay calmed down and be able to sleep. He told us to try it for a few days and if this helped Casey not have the anxiety attacks at night that was great but if not that the only other option would be to put him down. We realize he is old and has lived a FULL life but it's still a tough decision.
The part of this that is so tough is that Casey and Chris are lifelong pals. We got Casey out of desperation. Chris and Christen were diagnosed with severe asthma when they were two years old. I was at the emergency room with one of them almost everyday. In fact, the ER personnel would tease and say I should have my own private room since I was there so much. Well, my Mom kept telling me about an Old Wives Tale that a Mexican Chihuahua would cure or tremendously help an asthmatic. I decided to give it a try...
Casey is a miracle dog. I never had to take either one of the kids to the emergency room for asthma again. When I researched the subject, I found that this breed has a unique oil in there skin and a higher body temperature than most dogs and they radiate a vapor that is responsible for helping with asthma. Well, it worked! Chris especially developed an unbelievable bond with Casey. Anytime Chris was not feeling well, Casey would be right beside him. It was really awesome. They have been best friends for almost 20 years. They grew up together. Knowing that Casey is going down hill quickly and the decision to put him down is coming soon, is really tough because Chris is thousands of miles away and can't be a part of what is going on, or even say a last goodbye.
Everyday is a challenge but with God's help we will make it through and be stronger because of it. I'm happy that today wasn't the day for Casey to leave us. This gives me a little more time to figure out how to help Chris through it when the time comes.
I'll pray for Casey - I was abroad in China when my own Lucy had to be put down, so I know how tough it is to not get a chance to say goodbye to a very loving pet.
I feel we have so much in common. Are Chris and Christen twins? My son, Matt(who is at the same base as Chris) is a twin, and they both had asthma. Matt's dog, Aggie, had to be put to sleep the day Matt left for boot camp. Aggie was 14 yrs. old with the same symptoms. I feel your pain. My bithday was April 13th., Isaw your was the 12th. I would love to chat. You, Chris and Casey are in my prayers. Lisa
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